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Carly Atkisson
Carly Atkisson
Carly Atkisson has an energy that is contagious. To every facet of her life, she brings excitement, compassion, purpose and accountability. She is also loyal and fiercely protective of her family, friends, co-workers and clients. Carly thrives on setting and achieving goals and exceeding expectations. She attributes her strong work ethic and commitment to deliver the best possible outcomes to her parents. Having worked in banking (dad) and the legal field (mom) for more than 30 years each, Carly grew up with excellent role models, and she now looks forward to advising, encouraging and helping others.
Since joining Huie in September 2022, Carly has focused her full-time practice in the areas of discovery practice and procedure, automotive litigation and product liability. She brings to this role academic excellence and leadership development skills from law school and invaluable law clerk experience from reputable Birmingham law firms. Carly’s passion for the law, coupled with her outgoing personality, will serve the firm and our clients well both in and out of the courtroom.
Outside of the office, Carly enjoys spending quality time with loved ones, including Sunday dinners with her family (homecooked Italian meals) and supper club with her friends. She also enjoys traveling, exercising and watching Alabama Crimson Tide sports.
Carly earned her BA in Criminal Law and Psychology from The University of Alabama and her JD from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University.
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Huie Welcomes Carly Atkisson and Ryan Baker
We are pleased to announce that Carly Atkisson and Ryan Baker have joined Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart, LLP as associate attorneys. “We are excited to grow our team of attorneys...
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