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Chloe McGuire
Chloe McGuire
Chloe is a reliable, compassionate, detail-oriented advocate who gets things done. She believes in treating every client as a valuable member of the community who deserves accessible and excellent legal care. Taught from an early age to always go the extra mile, Chloe works hard to exceed expectations in everything she does. Chloe is committed to listening to her clients and working tirelessly to find an innovative and thorough solution for their case. She believes it’s not only the right thing to do, but also what every client deserves.
Chloe focuses her full-time practice in the areas of Automotive Litigation, Employment Litigation, and Product Liability. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, summa cum laude, from Auburn University and earned her JD from The University of Alabama School of Law. While at Alabama, Chloe served as a certified legal intern for the Domestic Violence Law Clinic and as an Articles Editor for The Journal of the Legal Profession. She was a member of the Bench and Bar Legal Honor Society as well as the Raise the Bar Mentoring Program, a student run mentoring program affiliated with the University of Alabama School of Law and Eastwood Middle School.
Outside of work, Chloe enjoys spending time with her husband and their dog, Henley, and cheering on the Auburn Tigers.
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Chloe McGuire Joins Huie as Associate Attorney
We are pleased to welcome Chloe McGuire to Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart, LLP as an associate attorney. “Chloe is a reliable and compassionate client advocate who goes the extra mile,”...
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