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Lorel Stano
Lorel Stano
Lorel Stano learned the importance of conflict resolution at an early age. As an older sibling in a large family, she was tasked with being a good listener and exploring peaceful solutions to disputes. As an attorney, Lorel now applies her thorough approach to problem-solving, acute attention to detail and analytical skills to provide superior support to her clients.
After graduating law school and prior to joining Huie in July 2023, Lorel worked as a law clerk in the Tenth Judicial Circuit Court of Alabama. Lorel now concentrates her law practice in the areas of discovery practice & procedure, automotive litigation and product liability. In this role, she focuses on advising clients and developing unique, comprehensive litigation strategies for each matter. While in law school, Lorel served as Student Materials Editor for the American Journal of Trial Advocacy, and she was a member of the Cumberland National Trial Team.
When she isn’t working, Lorel enjoys spending time with her husband and son, partaking in lake activities with family and friends, cheering on the Auburn Tigers and playing guitar.
A native of Pell City in Alabama, a town also known as “The Gateway to Logan Martin Lake,” Lorel earned her BA from Auburn University and her JD from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University.
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Huie Welcomes New Associate Attorneys
We are pleased to announce that Logan Manthey and Lorel Stano have joined Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart, LLP as new associate attorneys. “We are thrilled to continue to grow our...
Distinctions & Contributions
Member, Health and Wellness Committee and Court Liaison Committee for the Birmingham Bar Association