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Maggie Donlon
Maggie Donlon
When Maggie Donlon sets her mind on something, there’s no stopping her. She will fight, learn, and work relentlessly until she achieves her goal. That’s why clients can always trust that Maggie will be a passionate, motivated advocate who keeps her clients’ best interests in mind at all times. With a deep love for her friends and family, Maggie is a compassionate lawyer who cares about her clients’ businesses and livelihoods and fights for them as if they were her own. Clients can always expect Maggie to bring creativity and an enthusiastic effort to their case, making her a trustworthy teammate and partner.
Maggie focuses her practice in the areas of automotive litigation and product liability. During her time in law school, she was named to the Dean’s List and served as an Honor Court Justice for the Student Bar Association. She was elected as the President of the Women in Law organization and earned the 2023 Birmingham Bar Association’s Women’s Section Award for leadership amongst her peers.
In her free time, Maggie enjoys spending time with friends and family, as well as trying new restaurants around Birmingham.
Maggie earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Alabama and received her J.D. from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University.
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Huie Welcomes New Attorney – Maggie Donlon
We are pleased to announce that Maggie Donlon has joined to Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart, LLP as an associate attorney. “Maggie has consistently demonstrated exceptional drive and dedication since her...
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