Defense verdict for Fiat Chrysler Automobiles in a product liability trial in Missouri

Mary Beth Brown
Mary Beth Brown
Mary Beth Brown is equal parts compassionate and head strong. Her desire to become an advocate for others stemmed from watching her father care for his clients in the medical field. She has always desired to be a voice for those who need help and brings a tenacious drive and dedication to guide her clients seamlessly through the litigation process.
She focuses her practice in the areas of automotive litigation and product liability. During her time in law school, Mary Beth was an Associate Editor for the American Journal of Trial Advocacy, the nation’s oldest law review dedicated to the advancement of trial advocacy, and an Honor Court Justice for the Student Bar Association. She also earned a prestigious placement on the Cumberland National Negotiation Team and served as a Caruthers Fellow, mentoring first-year law students in developing their research and writing skills.
In her free time, Mary Beth enjoys traveling, spending time with her family, and cheering on the Auburn Tigers. She also enjoys time at the lake and going on walks along the numerous outdoor trails Birmingham has to offer.
Mary Beth earned her BS, magna cum laude, from Auburn University and her JD from Cumberland School of Law at Samford University.
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