Attorney Spotlight: Stewart McCloud

We’re proud to introduce you to Partner Stewart McCloud.

Since joining the firm in 2007, Stewart has concentrated his practice in the areas of insurance coverage and defense litigation, professional liability, asbestos and toxic tort litigation, trucking litigation and product liability. He routinely handles professional malpractice claims against lawyers and law firms as well as providing analysis and legal recommendations to insurance companies facing questions concerning policy coverage.

We sat down with Stewart to ask him about his experience at Huie.


What stands out to you about Huie?

The size and the personal relationships. I can tell you the name of every attorney that has worked at Huie since I started my legal career in September 2007. I genuinely love the attorneys and staff that I work with every day.

What advice do you have for young lawyers just starting their careers?

Ask questions! You are not expected to know everything and the best way to learn is by asking questions. I have been practicing law for almost 20 years and I still ask questions on a daily basis.

What is one thing you wish you would have known when starting your legal practice with the firm?

Do not take cases too personally or let the outcome of a case adversely affect you personally. You aren’t going to “win” every case and you should learn from “loses”, but you cannot dwell on a loss or allow it to impact your personal life.

Who has been the most influential mentor in your life?

I have been very fortunate to work closely with and learn from two of Huie’s senior partners and veteran litigators: the late De Martenson and our senior partner Jim Shaw. Both have been instrumental in my growth as an attorney and I will be forever grateful for the lessons I have learned from both of them.


We wrapped up our conversation with a few fun questions:

Which talent would you most like to have?

Either the ability to play the piano or sing (I am absolutely tone-deaf and I can’t carry a tune in a bucket!)

What do you value most in friends?

Unwavering loyalty. When I was younger I thought the key to happiness was having dozens and dozens of friends, but I have learned that it is much more important to have a small circle of best friends that would answer the phone at 3:00 am and be there for me if I was in trouble or needed help.

A quote you live by.

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” – Benjamin Franklin