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Logan Manthey
Logan Manthey
Logan Manthey is intrigued by history. He enjoys studying narratives of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc. Now as an attorney, he uses the same approach in his law practice. For his clients, Logan studies their business operations; educates them on preventing, reducing and managing risk; and helps them attain their goals. He is committed to working tirelessly and exploring every option to deliver the best possible outcomes.
At Huie, Logan focuses his law practice in the areas of insurance coverage and defense, fraud/bad faith, construction litigation, commercial litigation, employment litigation, medical malpractice and workers’ compensation. In addition to being licensed in Alabama, he is also licensed in Tennessee. Prior to joining Huie in June 2023, he gained invaluable practical and trial experience working as a litigation associate at reputable Alabama-based firms. During that time, he worked with clients in a variety of civil matters, including pollution, wrongful death, construction, labor and employment and general business litigation. Logan’s previous professional work experience and overall passion to advocate for others serve as the foundation for his hands-on, client-first approach.
Away from the office, Logan enjoys Alabama football and outdoor activities, including playing golf, fly fishing, hiking and biking. He also enjoys traveling with his wife, Penny, and spending quality time with his young daughter.
Logan earned his BA in History and Political Science from The University of Alabama and his JD from The University of Alabama School of Law.
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Huie Welcomes New Associate Attorneys
We are pleased to announce that Logan Manthey and Lorel Stano have joined Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart, LLP as new associate attorneys. “We are thrilled to continue to grow our...
02The Future of Employment Agreements and What This Means for Your Business
...use or interact with confidential information in their daily course of employment and stay informed of any new developments in this area. Authored by Jimmy Brady and Logan Manthey ___________________________________________________________________________________________...
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