Defense verdict for Allstate Insurance Company in week-long jury trial

Jimmy Brady
Jimmy Brady
[email protected]
Legal Asst
Mary Kay Hill
Asst Email
[email protected]
Settling has never been an option for Jimmy Brady. He begins every case with the end result in mind. His long-standing principles of accountability and professionalism have allowed him to build a successful defense practice. Jimmy believes you can never be too prepared. So, he works tirelessly to find the most strategic, cost-effective solutions for his clients, both large and small.
Since joining the firm in 2005, Jimmy has fought tenaciously for clients, successfully litigating claims and earning defense verdicts in the areas of construction, employment and fraud / bad faith insurance litigation. As his career has grown, he has become the go-to expert in staffing and employment disputes. He crafts innovative and practical solutions to the most challenging and complex issues resulting in favorable outcomes for his clients. Jimmy knows how to apply the strengths of his team, and his clients, to build a sound defense. In addition to his practice, he is often commissioned to provide analysis and legal recommendations to insurance companies facing difficult issues concerning coverage. For his efforts, Jimmy received the highest Martindale-Hubbell review rating of AV Preeminent®.
Outside of work, Jimmy makes the most of his time with his wife, Becca, and their daughters Liv and Scarlett.
Jimmy earned his BS from The University of Alabama and his JD from The University of Alabama School of Law.
Bar & Court Admissions
Alabama State Bar
All United States District Courts in Alabama
Tennessee State Bar
Alabama Defense Lawyers Association
Birmingham Bar Association
Defense Research Institute
Representative Experience
Defense verdict for Allstate in a case involving arson and “bad faith” arising from a fire at an investment property.
03Successfully argued complete dismissal of Plaintiffs’ claims of breach of contract and “bad faith” following alleged claims of damage to Plaintiffs’ home, business and personal property items.
04Defense verdict for Allstate Insurance Company in federal court wherein plaintiff alleged extensive property and structural damage resulting from a storm loss.
05Secured an Order of Dismissal in favor of Allstate Insurance Company after filing Complaint for Declaratory Judgment. Plaintiffs responded by filing counterclaims of breach of contract, “bad faith” and fraud alleging that their claim had been constructively denied.
06Defense verdict for Allstate Insurance Company following Plaintiffs’ allegations of breach of contract and “bad faith”. Plaintiff contended that his home was broken into and thousands of dollars of stolen items which were never present.
Resources & News
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John Civils and Jimmy Brady Named as Top Attorneys 2016 by Birmingham Magazine
We are pleased to announce that John Civils and Jimmy Brady have been recognized by Birmingham Magazine in its Top Attorneys 2016 listing. John was recognized as a top mediation...
02Reed Lawrence and Jimmy Brady Named Partners
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03Jimmy Brady and Tom Bazemore Secure Allstate Defense Verdict
The Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart defense team of Jimmy Brady and Tom Bazemore secured a Allstate defense verdict in favor of the insurance company after a three day jury trial...
04Defense Verdict for Insurance Client for Bazemore and Brady
On Thursday, December 7, 2017, Huie partners Tom Bazemore and Jimmy Brady secured a defense verdict for Allstate Insurance Company. The four-day jury trial took place in the Circuit Court...
05Huie Receives Spotlight in 2023 Best Lawyers Listings
...received honors for excellence in new practice areas: Jimmy Brady (Litigation – Construction), Jennifer Segers (Litigation – Health Care), Stewart McCloud (Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants) and De Martenson posthumously...
0618 Huie Attorneys Named to 2018 Best Lawyers in America Listing
...this year is partner Chris Rodgers, representing two new practice areas on the listing for Huie: Aviation Law and Transportation Law. Additionally, partner G. Jimmy Brady is new to the...
07Huie Attorneys Receive Multiple Honors in 2019 Best Lawyers Listing
...Jimmy Brady was recognized in the Insurance Law category. Huie attorneys selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America listing include the following: Tom Bazemore Insurance...
08Huie Partners Named to Benchmark Litigation 40 & Under Hot List
We are pleased to announce that Huie partners Bryan Paul and Jimmy Brady have been selected for the 2018 edition of the Benchmark Litigation 40 & Under Hot List. This...
0922 Huie Attorneys Recognized in 2024 Best Lawyers Listings
...Insurance Personal Injury Litigation –Defendants Product Liability Litigation – Defendants Jimmy Brady Insurance Law Litigation – Construction Litigation – Insurance Bart Cannon Construction Law Phil Collins Litigation – Health Care...
1011 Huie Attorneys Recognized in 2020 Super Lawyers Listings the 2020 listings include the following: Mid-South Super Lawyers Tom Bazemore Jimmy Brady (new to listing) De Martenson Greg Schuck (new to listing) John Isaac Southerland Gordon Sproule Alan...
Distinctions & Contributions
Listed by The Best Lawyers in America since 2018 for Insurance Law and Litigation - Insurance and since 2023 for Litigation - Construction
03Listed by Super Lawyers (2014-2024)
04Volunteer, Alabama State Bar and Volunteer Lawyers Birmingham Wills for Heroes Clinic (October 2021)
05Contributor, ALFA International: Construction Law 2020 Compendium
06Named to the 2018 Benchmark Litigation and 2019 Benchmark Litigation 40 & Under Hot List
07Recognized by Birmingham Magazine in the Top Attorneys 2016 listing
08Presenter, The University of Alabama School of Law CLE Alabama Seminar: “The Business of Being A Lawyer” (2016)
09Routinely provides recent Alabama case law updates to insurance clients and adjusters.