A quick glimpse into the recent past reveals a string of defense verdicts that continue to reflect Paul’s commitment to getting it done the right way. He successfully defended Ford Motor Company in three catastrophic product liability trials in Kentucky and Georgia. Combined, the plaintiffs sought in excess of $60 million dollars in total damages. All three juries unanimously found in Ford's favor.

Paul Malek
Paul Malek
[email protected]
Legal Asst
Jane Wilkinson
Asst Email
[email protected]
Paul Malek is a creative and effective problem solver with an inherent ability to remain calm and clear-minded in the midst of a storm, however unpredictable it may be. He believes in immersing himself in the details of his clients’ business in order to gain a better understanding and clear perspective of their needs. Paul’s clients, which include leading automobile manufacturers and other successful manufacturing companies of all sizes, count on him to be open-minded, practical and thorough. Paul grew up in a family of engineers and innovators, and his lifetime of experience has provided him with a significant advantage in quickly grasping the critical needs of his clients, regardless of the industry. His profound insight and technical knowledge make him a valuable resource to any successful legal team.
Since joining the firm in 1995, Paul has successfully litigated on behalf of numerous companies. While his litigation experiences and abilities are diverse, Paul specializes in the areas of product liability actions in disputes involving automobile manufacturers, construction equipment companies and just about every industrial product in between. He has successfully tried cases to conclusion in both State and Federal Courts and has handled litigation for Fortune 500 clients in many states throughout the United States. He has served as trial and coordinating counsel in specialty litigation on both a regional and national basis. He also handles lawsuits and claims involving civil rights issues, labor and employment matters, commercial transactions and other general litigation concerns. In addition to his practice, Paul has served as a faculty member for the Alabama Bar Institute of Continuing Legal Education and frequently lectures on various topics.
Paul earned his undergraduate degree from The University of Kentucky and his law degree from The Cumberland School of Law at Samford University.
Bar & Court Admissions
Alabama State Bar
Kentucky State Bar
All federal courts in Alabama, North, Middle and Southern Districts
All federal courts in Kentucky, Eastern and Western Districts
Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Alabama Defense Lawyers Association
American Bar Association
Defense Research Institute
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Paul Malek Named 2024 “Best of the Bar” Honoree by the Birmingham Business Journal
We are pleased to announce that Huie partner Paul Malek is among the top legal talent featured in the Birmingham Business Journal’s (BBJ) “Best of the Bar” for 2024. Birmingham...
02Paul Malek Leads Ford Motor Company to Another Victory
Matthew R. Wurm, Plaintiff, v. Ford Motor Co., In the United States District Court for the District of Kansas, Case No. 2:18-CV-02322-HLT Paul Malek, Sherry Rogers and Steve Ward formed...
03Thomas and Malek Secure Defense Verdict for Ford Motor Company in Kentucky
Alan Thomas and Paul Malek of Huie, Fernambucq & Stewart represented Ford Motor Company in a wrongful death product liability case involving the fatality of the driver of a Mercury...
04Defense Verdict in Seat Belt Case for Malek and Davis
Huie trial lawyers Paul Malek and Elizabeth Davis tried a case for Ford Motor Company to a unanimous defense verdict on February 19, 2020, in the United States District Court...
05Huie Receives Spotlight in 2023 Best Lawyers Listings
...Phil Collins (Litigation – Insurance), Paul Malek (Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants and Product Liability Litigation – Defendants) and John Isaac Southerland (Product Liability Litigation – Defendants). Additionally, four partners...
06Huie Partners Ranked in the 2025 Edition of Benchmark Litigation
Huie partners Alan Thomas and Paul Malek were selected as Litigation Stars for the 2025 Edition of Benchmark Litigation. In addition, Huie is ranked as a Recommended Firm for dispute...
07Partners Featured in Benchmark Litigation 2023
We are excited to share that Alan Thomas and Paul Malek were selected to appear in the 16th edition of Benchmark Litigation 2023, where they were both named a Benchmark...
08Huie Included in Benchmark Litigation 2022 Rankings
Benchmark Litigation recently concluded its annual research cycle, and the final 2022 rankings have been released. We are pleased to announce that Huie partners De Martenson, Alan Thomas and Paul...
09Partners Named Litigation Stars in Benchmark Litigation 2021
...that Huie partners De Martenson, Alan Thomas and Paul Malek were named Local Litigation Stars in Benchmark Litigation 2021. Additionally, Huie received accolades for providing high quality dispute resolution services...
10Huie Secures Reversal for Veteran on Appeal
Huie attorneys Paul Malek, John Isaac Southerland and Madison Morrison successfully represented their client, a disabled military veteran, in obtaining the reversal and remand of a divorce decree that improperly...
Distinctions & Contributions
Named a Litigation Star in Benchmark Litigation 2025
02Honoree, Birmingham Business Journal “Best of the Bar” for 2024
03Listed by The Best Lawyers in America since 2023 for Personal Injury Litigation - Defendants and Product Liability Litigation - Defendants
05Paul is listed in "Birmingham's Top Attorneys", Birmingham Magazine.
06“Illuminating the Complex, Modern Air Bag System at Trial”, ABA 2015 Emerging Issues in Motor Vehicle Liability Litigation, April 9, 2015
07“Application and Disclaimer of Express and Implied Warranties of Habitability in The Sale of New Homes”, Alabama State Bar, May 21, 1999