Summary judgement affirmed by Alabama Supreme Court in a medical negligence case (August 2024)

Phil Collins
Phil Collins
[email protected]
Legal Asst
Lillian Yeager
Asst Email
[email protected]
Practice Areas
Since joining Huie in 1997, Phil Collins has dedicated his practice to defending medical providers of all disciplines in medical negligence cases. His individualistic, highly organized and fiercely competitive approach has served his clients well over his almost thirty-year legal career.
Phil has served as an Adjunct Professor at the Birmingham School of Law and has lectured on a wide range of topics. In 2021, Phil was a recipient of the Birmingham Business Journal’s Best of the Bar award, and he has been recognized by Best Lawyers in the Litigation Health Care and Medical Malpractice legal practice areas.
In his free time, Phil enjoys golfing and running. Phil also serves on the Board of Directors of HemEdits, LLC, a start-up biogenetic company that is working to develop a cure for sickle cell disease. His wife Catherine and he have three children and seven grandchildren.
Phil earned his BS from Auburn University and his JD from The University of Alabama School of Law.
Bar & Court Admissions
Alabama State Bar
All Alabama Federal Court Districts
Alabama Defense Lawyers Association
Alabama Nursing Home Association
American Health Law Association
Representative Experience
Summary judgment obtained for a hospital in a medical negligence case (October 2023)
03MSJ granted to hospital client in medical negligence case (February 2021)
04Defense verdict affirmed without opinion by the Alabama Supreme Court in premises liability matter (February 2020)
05Successfully argued Summary Judgment on behalf of hospital client (February 2017)
06Received a favorable opinion from the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Huie’s telecommunications client. (September 2019)
07Successful appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court in DISA Industries, Inc. v. Gregory Bell. In the AEMLD and negligence case, a $500k verdict was overturned. (July 2018)
Resources & News
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Greg Schuck and Phil Collins Named BBJ Best of the Bar 2021
We are pleased to announce that Huie partners Greg Schuck and Phil Collins are among the outstanding legal talent featured in the Birmingham Business Journal’s (BBJ) Best of the Bar...
02Phil Collins Named to “Who’s Who in Health Care 2024” By BBJ
Huie partner Phil Collins was named to the Birmingham Business Journal’s list of “Who’s Who in Health Care” for 2024. This list highlights the Magic City’s key leaders and decision-makers...
03Phil Collins Secures Summary Judgment for Hospital Client
Huie partner Phil Collins successfully argued Summary Judgment on behalf of his hospital client. Plaintiff’s claims included medical negligence, slander, wantonness and outrage. After lengthy oral arguments, the Etowah County...
04Duncan and Collins Successful Appeal to Alabama Supreme Court
Huie partners Joe Duncan and Phil Collins were successful in their appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court in DISA Industries, Inc. v. Gregory Bell. In the AEMLD and negligence case,...
05Huie Receives Spotlight in 2023 Best Lawyers Listings
...Phil Collins (Litigation – Insurance), Paul Malek (Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants and Product Liability Litigation – Defendants) and John Isaac Southerland (Product Liability Litigation – Defendants). Additionally, four partners...
0622 Huie Attorneys Recognized in 2024 Best Lawyers Listings
...Insurance Personal Injury Litigation –Defendants Product Liability Litigation – Defendants Jimmy Brady Insurance Law Litigation – Construction Litigation – Insurance Bart Cannon Construction Law Phil Collins Litigation – Health Care...
07Summary Judgment Awarded in Medical Negligence Case
Huie partner Phil Collins recently obtained summary judgment for a hospital in a medical negligence case. The Court granted the hospital’s motion that proved that the hospital met and exceeded...
08MSJ Granted to Hospital Client in Medical Negligence Case
Huie Partner Phil Collins and Associate Hillary Fisher recently successfully argued summary judgment in favor of a North Central Alabama hospital in a medical negligence case. The case was brought...
09Favorable Opinion Obtained from Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Attorneys Bart Cannon, Phil Collins, and Alex Parish recently received a favorable opinion from the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Huie’s telecommunications client. In Smith v. Comcast...
10Premises Case Affirmed Without Opinion by Supreme Court
Huie partner Phil Collins was successful in his appeal to the Alabama Supreme Court in a premises liability matter. A summary of the featured case, Eyer v. Crestwood, is provided...
Distinctions & Contributions
Named to "Who's Who in Health Care 2024" by the Birmingham Business Journal
02Listed by The Best Lawyers in America since 2023 for Litigation - Insurance and since 2024 for Litigation - Health Care and Medical Malpractice Law - Defendants
03Award Winner, Birmingham Business Journal Best of the Bar for 2021
04Contributor, "How rise of telemedicine will shape health care litigation"; Birmingham Business Journal (July 30, 2020)
05Contributor, "How Birmingham employers can reduce risk of Covid-related lawsuits"; Birmingham Business Journal (July 29, 2020)
06Speaker, Alabama Association of Medical Staff Services May 2019 Quarterly Meeting - "Negligent Credentialing"
07Speaker, CLE Alabama 2018 Tort Law Update “The State of Medical Malpractice” (December 2018)
08Served as an Adjunct Professor at the Birmingham School of Law (Torts I & II)
09Speaker on “Handling Medical Negligence Cases in Alabama” and “Insurance Coverage Law in Alabama” (Birmingham School of Law)
10Has conducted numerous seminars on Healthcare Provider Risk Management